Acne Skin Care Treatment Product


Ricky Lee

Although many people believed that acne is caused because a person s skin is too oily, those with dry skin are just as susceptible to the condition as well. Today more than 20% of all adults are affected by acne and this can often be caused by using very harsh products on their skin. However there are certain acne skin care treatment products that can further cause a person s skin to dry out and only exacerbate their acne even further.

Certainly the best way to treat any form of acne is through prevention. It is important that a person chooses a skin care treatment product which will not dry their skin out or cause any further damage to it. However it does not matter what type of skin you have as long as you understand what actually causes it, then you will find it much easier to prevent as well as treat your acne problem.


Most of the skin care treatments available for acne are likely to make the underlying causes of the problem much worse. Many of these actually contain sulfur or resorcinol or benzyl peroxide and these all help to dry up the excess oil that is being produced by a person s sebaceous glands but can also cause a person s skin to dry out more during the actual treatment process. Therefore although it may have prevented further oil from being produced it will cause the skin to dry out and this will then exacerbate the skin condition further. In fact what you have done is actually caused yourself another problem because your fine lines and wrinkles will begin to develop and so you have actually accelerated the process of aging in your skin. So it may be better to just blot the excess oil as it certainly will not cause the condition to become any worse.

To be honest if many people used less of these cleansing and skin products the incidents of acne would probably be much less. Instead people should look at using mild skin products as these will not damage their skin and understand their skin condition a little better. Understanding your skin and acne condition will help you determine the type of acne skin care treatment product to use.


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