Submitted by: Adrianna Notton

Baby photography is a great way to record your child’s first years. Infant portraits are great for sending around to family members and on Christmas cards. It can be a fun activity for both of you. Here are some tips to get you started on a photo album for those first years and even some for the family wall in your house.

Babies and puppies squirm and wiggle. It takes time and patience to get the shot you desire. Take tons of shots and you’re bound to have some great ones. If you have a burst or continuous shooting mode on you camera this works well when you are trying to take many shots quickly.

Natural daylight works best with an ISO setting between 100 and 400. Natural lighting in daylight hours gives a natural softness to your infant’s skin. Light from a window works well. Stay away from direct sunlight as this can cast deep shadows over baby’s face. A wide Aperture setting such as f/2.8 to f/8 will give you a shallow depth of field.


To get your little one in the mood, do this when he is awake and fed and dry. He’ll likely be in a good mood if all these things are taken care of first. You still may need to do some coaxing to get that perfect smile, so be prepared to get silly for him and have some fun. Playing peek a boo works well or holding up favorite toys and making funny sounds.

You will need to work quickly to catch that perfect moment so a fast shutter speed 1/500 or more will help. Remember a wide Aperture setting will give you a nice blurred background while keeping your child in focus. F/1.8 to f/4 Aperture setting gives a shallow depth of field creating this nice effect. Spot meter and focus in on baby’s face and eyes for a perfect portrait.

To take pictures of your little darling actively playing with other siblings or friends, let them play naturally. Give them toys or a snack to share and let them interact with each other. Then start shooting interesting, natural looking pictures of your favorite children. You will be surprised at the quality of your photos and pleased with how well they turn out.

To change it up a bit try a macro shot. Zoom in on little hands and feet and fix up in a photo software program to create an interesting design. Utilize any software you have to take care of any blemishes or bumps your baby might have. It is common for newborns to be a bit red or bumpy. Clean up your photos for a real professional look.

Baby photography is rewarding and fun. There is nothing better than recording the memories of those first years. They go by fast so you’ll want to capture many photos. Get your spouse to help out as babies have been known to be a handful and two of you will be better to take on the challenge. You will love to see how a few settings and some tips can improve your pictures. Have fun, practice and enjoy taking photos of your little angel.

About the Author: Specializing in

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, visit the exquisite baby portraits from the most prominent

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