Submitted by: Catherine Miranda

The .NET framework on the basis of which .NET development is conducted is composed of classes, interfaces and value types. By making use of this framework, the development method gets quicker along with ASP.NET developer is able to access system functionality. .NET framework types are common language specification (CLS)-compliant which is why interoperability between languages is possible. Therefore interoperability, .NET programmer is free select any sort of framework type from any programming language the compiler of which confirms to CLS.

.NET framework types represent base data types and also exceptions, encapsulate data structures, perform I/O, access information regarding loaded types and produce .NET framework security checks. The framework also provides data access, rich client-side GUI, and server-controlled client-side GUI.

.NET developers can implement labeling patterns to merge linked types into namespaces. Creating and also documentation of class libraries can be performed with this technique. But, there’s no influence of this naming scheme on visibility, member access, inheritance, security or even binding. There exists multiple assemblies across the framework which can have a namespace whereas kinds of numerous namespaces can be accommodated within a single assembly. An assembly offers the formal structure for versioning, deployment, security, loading, and visibility in the common language runtime.

As a way to construct class libraries, .NET programmer needs to follow certain suggestions. One such guideline is made for naming which has several conventions involved with it. As an example, When an identifier contains numerous words, there will not be any application of separators such as underscores (“_”) or even hyphens (“-“) between words by C# .NET developers. Rather than making use of these separators, developers must use casing to suggest starting of each word.


As far as choosing the word is involved, C# developer should select easily readable identifier name since it is often better to go for readability than brevity. A developer should also avoid Hungarian notation which is the method of including prefix in identifiers to encode some metadata about the parameter, such as data type of the identifier.

C# programmers choose semantically interesting names as compared to language-specific keywords. Also, the use of a generic common language runtime (CLR) type name over a language specific name is recommended.

While performing .NET development, .NET developers need to use namespaces to organize types into a hierarchy of connected feature areas. If there is an use of very deep namespace hierarchies, the users require to backtrack as a result making browsing a boring experience. So many namespaces should be averted. The same namespaces should accommodate the types of same cases. Users ought not need to import numerous namespaces to build common situations.

According to the tips, a developer should set advance types in a namespace within the general namespace, and make use of Advanced as last identifier in the name. For instance, generally used types linked to XML serialization are in the System.Xml.Serialization namespace and the advanced types are in the System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced namespace.

Types that aren’t given a namespace are placed inside the global namespace. .NET development tools too find it hard to locate these files since they do not belong to a feature-specific namespace. Furthermore, it is not easy to handle name collisions in the global namespace.

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About the Author: Catherine Miranda is an

developer within a development agency. He has an experience with virtually 8 years in development. He enjoys to create articles concerning .net development within different technical guides::


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