Back pain is bad enough to deal with during the daylight hours. You definitely do not want to be hurting your back even more while you sleep. Your body uses those important hours of rest while you’re asleep to repair and recharge for the next day. If you can’t find a way to sleep without pain, you will wake up frustrated and exhausted. When you are suffering from a back ache, you need to sleep in the best way possible so that your sore muscles can relax and heal.

Different people prefer different sleep positions. If you are someone who likes to sleep on your back, you may find that you feel more comfortable with your knees slightly bent. To achieve this, while lying on your back put a soft pillow between your knees and the mattress. Experiment with moving the pillow until it is in the most comfortable position. Keeping your knees bent over a pillow will change the curve of the spine in your low back. This usually takes pressure off of some of the main nerves in your low back.

If you would rather sleep on your side, consider sleeping with a pillow between your two knees. Make sure your legs are drawn up slightly toward your chest. If this causes hip pain, try placing a soft blanket under your hip. Some people also find relief sleeping with a full length body pillow.


Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended because it can put even more stress on your low back and make your back ache worse. Sleeping on your stomach may feel comfortable at first, but after several hours it can cause your back muscles to become irritated and sore. If this is happening to you, and you suspect sleeping on your stomach is to blame, try going to sleep on your side instead. Some people sleep wearing a T-shirt with a tennis ball in their pocket until they can teach themselves to stop sleeping on their chest.

Here are some other things to remember. Try not to drink coffee or other forms of caffeine late in the day so that you can more easily relax and spend fewer hours tossing and turning in the middle of the night. If being seated for a long period causes your back pain to get worse, try to spend less time sitting and more time standing before bed.

Don’t doze off on the couch. Sleep on a supportive but comfortable mattress. Who wants to spend 2,500 hours each year on a horrible mattress? If your mattress is ancient, lumpy, or sags in the center, it may be time to find a better one. Some people find that using a cold pack on their back a short time before they go to bed helps to get rid of swelling and enables them to sleep better.

I hope that some of these sleeping tips will help the next time you are trying to go to sleep with lower back pain. A good night’s sleep will enable you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for tomorrow.

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About Author:

Rachelle Kirk writes articles about health tips, chiropractic natural pain relief, and ways to get rid of migraine headaches back pain, and other health problems.Author: Rachelle Kirk