Limu Review An unbiased 3rd Party Limu Review From Someone Who Didn’t Join


James Yancey

Limu Review An unbiased 3rdParty Limu Review


If youve clicked on this Limu Review, you are most likely doing your due diligence and trying to make an informed decision as to if Limu is the best opportunity for you to pursue. In this unbiased review I will give an overview of the product, review the leadership, the compensation plan, and reveal what it takes to succeed in Limu. So I encourage you to read this entire Limu Review doing so will put you in the best position to succeed in Limu. Limu Review About Company and Leadership Limu is a Network Marketing company within the nutrition niche. The company was founded by Gary Raser in 2003 and is headquartered in Lake Mary, Florida. Gary Raser brings a track record of success in business and Network Marketing having been a 7 figure earner in Network Marketing he understand that distributors come first. Limu Review The Product Limu offers three products that contain a proprietary Fucoidan extract which is taken from brown seaweed and contains 70 essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, glyconutrients and polyphenols. The primary product offering is Limu Original which is not really a juice. Its considered a super food with 83% pure Tongan limo moue. In addition Limu also has a product called Lean that is a meal replacement system. The company also offers Blue Frog an energy drink that contains Fucodian and a smart blend of natural ingredients. Limu Review The Compensation Plan Limu offers 7 ways to get paid including a fast track bonus which is paid to unlimited depth, a first order bonus paid through 6 levels, and the back bone of the program a unilevel residual compensation plan. In addition to these bonuses Limu offers a car program, bonus pool, cash bonuses, and an equity program. The equity program is by far the most exciting aspect of the Limu compensation plan. The ability to earn equity in the company based on production is an absolutely unique aspect of the Limu compensation package. What it Takes to be Successful in Limu Ultimately Limu is a Network Marketing opportunity and even with all the benefits of a unique nutritional extract, a competent leadership team, and a lucrative compensation plan. The truth of the matter is that none of these facts have any impact on a distributors success. To really win big in Network Marketing your success is 100% tied to your ability to enroll and sponsor new people into your business. The fact is your success will be based on your ability to market and generate qualified leads. Therefore, I highly recommend anyone interested in creating a high level of income in Limu implement a proven Attraction Marketing System. A quality system must allow you to brand yourself as a leader, teach and allow you to generate leads, as well as help you generate income from the individuals not interested in the Limu opportunity. If you tie this online Attraction Marketing System and branding with a solid strategy Limu could be the opportunity youve been waiting for.

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Limu Review

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Limu Review An unbiased 3rd Party Limu Review From Someone Who Didn’t Join