Submitted by: Alexandra Burlacu

Photojournalism schools became a very fascinating topic lately. Colleges started to take into consideration the increasing attention for this somewhat new profession and started to provide various types of programs within this field of study. Then again, finding photojournalism schools can be rather tricky. Finding respectable photojournalism schools already becomes quite a problem.

A talented and professional photojournalist ought to have a broad area of knowledge.Needless to say, photojournalism schools must provide students with proper photography techniques. Rudimentary notions in photography will not be enough, so the superior competence of the teachers is vital for the status of good photojournalism schools. To be able to properly teach their students all they ought to to know in this profession, the teachers will need to have their personal practical experience in the field.

They should have a vast experience in ordinary, not to mention in challenging situations, and have the ability to master their camera with great speed and skill to capture each of the essential aspects. Experience could be essential when dealing with motion stabilizers, capturing a high paced action, or noticing every detail that could make a huge difference in the expressivity of the shot.


Photojurnalism program focuses on the use of still and motion photography in journalism and prepares individuals to function as news photographers and photographic editors. Includes instruction in photography, journalism, studio procedures and techniques, camera and equipment operation and technique, news editing, print and film editing, news scene composition, subject surveillance, media law and policy, news team field operations, and professional standards and ethics.

Mastering the camera is the first essential course and one of the longest and most relevant in photojournalism schools.Next on the list, but not less imperative, is ethics. All photojournalism schools must respect the ethics of this career in an effort to bestow a proper education. Upcoming photojournalists have to be aware of what is acceptable and what is not, not to mention the ethical concerns that determine the decision. Since there are no written rules, ethics is extremely important.

Nevertheless a professional photojournalist must always know the line he cannot pass, the rule he cannot violate- not even when that thing would mean for him a future Pulitzer in photography. A photojournalist’s ethics is most important for recognition in this world. And moreover, photojournalism schools always have specific theoretical classes on history of arts, history of photography, world history. But this final part is only a step. Of course students must know the most famous artists of the world, the criteria for that classification, not to mention how such artists changed the world and the history of arts with their visions and remarkable masterpieces.

Good photojournalism universities should focus several special theoretical classes on art history, history of photography, world history etc. Then again , this is just a part of the syllabus. If you are keen on becoming specialized in this area, you ought to look very carefully prior to selecting the suitable photojournalism schools for your finest education and career development.

About the Author: Alexandra Burlacu is the editor of this article. If you are interested to learn more feel free to check

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