The Different Uses of a Diesel Generator


Harvey McEwanDiesel generators are a reliable source of backup power in situations like natural disasters. They are seen as a somewhat environmentally friendly power source thanks to their low use of fuel. Safety is another praised feature. Diesel fuel is less flammable than gasoline that is used to power similar devices. Because of the diesel-powered machines’ well-known efficiency, they often require less maintenance than gas generators. So all in all if you are going the generator route, diesel is a good choice.Terms you should get familiar before making your decision are portable, towed, and standby. Each situation will demand a different type of generator. More common terms are single phase, or three phase units. Your local generator supplier should be able to advise you on what you need.

Hospital Generators

Hospitals rely on backup power to continue their lifesaving work in blackouts or during natural disasters such as earthquakes or tornadoes. Surgeons need to be able to continue operating, and even routine check ups can depend on access to the electrical grid. Life support systems and other vital equipment needs to be plugged in to function.

Many lives would be erased were it not for the widespread use of generators at hospitals. Fortunately, most are programmed to power up automatically as soon as a blackout occurs.



Miners work in vast underground territories that first of all need to be lit for them to be able to carry out their tasks. Modern mining equipment also requires power to function so generators are the best answer. Their portable functionality is vital to the success of mining operations.

To avoid a build-up of dangerous gases or emissions, diesel generators are seen as the safest choice.

Data Centres

Many of us are unaware of how much information is stored in central data bank servers. It is often of a sensitive, personal nature, needs to be kept safe, and could need to be accessed during blackout situations. This could tie in with hospitals, for example, whose staff need to access databases for patients’ medical records.

Were they not to access these files, doctors could do more harm than good by causing allergy outbreaks, for example.Bank and stock exchange operations are also directly affected by power cuts.Power malfunctions could potentially damage this information so it is very important to keep servers running under all conditions.

Transport Hubs

Stations, bus terminals, ports, and airports have a pretty much constant flow of people walking through their doors every day. Many of the systems in place in these public buildings rely on electricity. Signals, traffic controls, and check-in systems all need power to function.

Generators can save the day to ensure operations continue as smoothly as possible before main grid electricity reappears.

Industrial Use

Manufacturing would grind to a halt in case of a power outage. In order to avoid a huge financial loss, work must go on to continue production.

Generators can provide enough electricity to power industrial equipment. The correct voltage is very important.

Household Use

Even individual households can benefit from diesel generator rental in certain situations where a prolonged power outage is likely. It is not only natural disasters that can come as a nasty surprise, but also repairs to the local power grid, or an accident of some kind.

Harvey McEwan is a fan of

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