Submitted by: Mark P Watson

Picking unique gifts that will actually be used and appreciated by college or graduate students can be a difficult task. One thing is certain: laptops, tablets, desktop computers and other electronic devices have flooded the student lifestyle as they spend endless hours on these devices studying and for pleasure. An idea for a useful gift is to pick products that make interacting with these electronics easier and more comfortable.


For the more casual student, a student lap desk can be an excellent gift that will see a lot of usage around the dorm room. Electronics intertwine the student lifestyle in almost every aspect – from studying to gaming to connecting with friends. Harboring a natural tendency to work where they are most comfortable, students operate electronics everywhere. Moving from the desk to a futon to the bed to the floor is normal in the course of pumping out a term paper or getting ready for a party. A student lap desk is a great gift to give both matriculating and veteran students. These simple stands make computing much more comfortable and convenient. Plus they provide a safe, secure, and stable platform to hold laptops & tablets. Several types of lap desks are available. The variety of choice spans the entire spectrum from the simple tray that rests on your lap to a fancier lap desk with speakers, fans, and usb ports; ensuring that you can choose the student lap desk that closely matches the way your student uses his devices. Gamers and those students that tend to plug extra devices into their laptops (like a phone, mp3 player, thumb drive, etc) will appreciate lap desks with extra USB ports. Providing more USB hubs will minimize the seemingly constant plugging & unplugging. Gamers and students that tend to run a lot of simultaneous high-bandwidth programs will appreciate lap desks with fans. Built-in cooling fans help keep laptops and other electronics running at a cooler temperature which can prolong the device s life.

For the more studious, health-conscious, or serious students, an adjustable ergonomic stand up desk can be a welcomed gift that frees the student from the uncomfortable confines of the traditionally small and uncomfortable dorm room or office desks. With more research about the benefits of proper posture (as well as the detriments of sitting uncomfortably in traditional desks for extended periods of time), desks that can adjust to properly fit the user have increased in demand. An adjustable ergonomic stand up desk can raise or lower the work surface to allow people to reap the health benefits of standing. Standing more frequently has been show to increase blood flow, burn calories, and boost focus all of which are beneficial to students. Even when used in the seated position, and adjustable ergonomic stand up desk can elevate monitors, keyboards, and the work surface to a healthier position. This will improve the user s posture, comfort, and enable them to spend greater lengths of time at the desk (studying, of course!).

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