byAlma Abell

Restaurants are held to a high standard of quality and cleanliness. Patrons expect to see a spotless dining area when they arrive for a meal. Dishes and glassware must be without blemish, and utensils must be sparkling. These ideals apply to visual appeal as well as safety and sanitation. While customers primarily see only the dining area of a restaurant, the kitchen is of the utmost importance. This is where the magic happens, and an unclean kitchen can lead to numerous health issues.


Keeping floors tidy and ensuring food storage areas and preparation surfaces are untainted are key aspects in safeguarding against bacteria and food borne illnesses. Grime can easily be seen in these places and removed. Some areas are not so easily taken care of, but they pose the same risks as filthy floors and counters.

Grease traps are prime examples of such areas. The sink can be disinfected with household cleaners, but the grease trap is designed to catch all the oils, grease and other solid substances poured down the drain to prevent them from entering the sewage system. All the bacteria and noxious odors build up until grease trap cleaning in Fort Myers, Florida is performed.

Experts recommend cleanings at least once every three months; however, they should occur more often for facilities producing higher volumes of sludge. Professionals have the training and experience to successfully remove the lid of the grease trap without damaging the seals and gaskets. They are also able to inspect the various components involved while removing them to determine if they are in need of repair.

Once they are inside the grease trap, they will pump out all the solidified grease and whisk it away to properly dispose of it. After all the solid waste has been removed, grease trap cleaning in Fort Myers, Florida will be performed on the lid and walls of the trap, as well as the components before carefully reassembling the unit.

Aside from preventing growth of bacteria and eliminating foul odors that could drive away customers, grease trap cleaning is required by OSHA. Reports must be filled out and filed to prove regular cleanings have been performed, and to ensure the trap in question is in working order. Regular and thorough cleanings keep employees and patrons safe while keeping the restaurant from being shut down for violation of mandatory regulations.