By Christina Xia

“New economic model programs” background yes “Hou crisis era,” the global economic pattern of major adjustment in emerging-market countries in the world economic stage play a more important role, as the last half century, the most active emerging market countries Malaysia , which will become an essential core members. In this case, Malaysia believes that to be as soon as possible “post-crisis era” of the global economy, reasonable to define their own position and to develop long-term economic development strategy.

In the “program” before and after the official promulgation, in order to ensure its smooth implementation, the Malaysian government for this reason, the four support strategy: First, in April 2009 Declaration of Nagy’s ruling that “a Malaysian, and people-oriented, immediate performance,” It “program” implemented to provide a good mass base; Second, in January of this year, including six major areas of reform to develop the “government reform plan,” which is “program” the implementation of the provision of efficient government services; Third, in March of this year through reform initiatives, including eight “economic reform plan,” which is “program” to implement the driving force; 4 issued in June this year, “Malaysia’s Tenth National Development Plan,” its “program” in the next 5 years carried out a detailed implementation of the provisions of the details.

Specifically, the “program” of the main frame can be summarized into four levels: three major advantages of development, three strategic objectives, policies and measures four and eight power.

The advantage, first, relatively prosperous Malaysia, wealth, and has good infrastructure; followed by years of construction, Malaysia already has a “world class” manufacturing base; again, China, India, Indonesia and the Australian economy sustained and rapid growth, the formation of the four countries present world economic circle as the “active plate”, Malaysia is in the “plate” of the center, with excellent geographical advantage the economy; Finally, Malaysia has diversified cultural, ethnic and biological resources, which will be the economic development of “soft power.”


Meanwhile, the “proposal” put forward, we should improve the quality of life for citizens of Malaysia as the “new economy” the ultimate goal, which needs first to achieve three objectives: first, into the “high-income countries,” ranks, which in 2020 for Jiang Ren Jun the level of GDP increased to 15,000 to 20,000 dollars; second is the formation of “share-type” growth model, even if all citizens have equal and equitable sharing of wealth accumulation and economic growth; third is to maintain sustained economic development, that is not the price of sacrificing the welfare of future generations of high-speed growth for a time.

In addition, in order to achieve strategic objectives, “program” that requires four levels of power: first, firm leadership, “fortitude” and political “will power”; second is a strong “civil consensus” force generated by the reforms; third synchronization policy measures and actions “boost power”; Fourth, the strategic implementation of the strategy of constantly refining and improving the “resilience.”

Finally, the “program” designed eight specific reform measures: First, re “activate” the economic vitality of the private sector; second is to train high quality manpower resources to reduce dependence on foreign human capital; third is to build a competitive domestic economic environment; Fourth, strengthening the public sector; 5 is to promote the implementation to keep the market transparent and friendly “affirmative action”; 6 is consolidating domestic “intelligence” base, speed up the “knowledge” infrastructure; 7 through reforms for the economy new sources of growth; 8 through the financial system and other reforms to ensure sustainable economic development.

“The new growth model” long way to go

“Program” in the implementation process will be subject to political, ethnic and religious, and many other factors. Among them, the biggest obstacle came from traditional politics in Malaysia, “affirmative action”, the policy is intended to help with the local Malays and indigenous ethnic minorities, including the Chinese competition. The short term, significant change in Malaysian government more economic incentives to enjoy the status, it is very difficult to do. However, if you do not change this “unfair” policy, it is difficult to achieve economic justice and fair market, Malaysia must in the “middle income trap” in the mud in a more long-term struggle.

However, to bring people to Hope, this year in June, in its “Tenth National Development Plan”, the Malaysian Government to “step by step towards high-income countries” as “plan,” the subtitle, and in the “plan” text repeatedly pledged to overcome all difficulties to comprehensive economic and social reform. The “program” in the text of the final also threw out a very encouraging statement, “is the time for a change: Malaysia should be so.”

As for Malaysia into or about to enter into “middle-income trap” and other Asian countries, this can not but say that is also a call and encouragement.

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