Diagnosing fibromylagia


Groshan Fabiola

Diagnosing fibromylagia is quite difficult in our days, even though there are millions of patients suffering from this disease only in North America. Symptoms are sometimes very hard to describe and interpret, fact witch lids to a lot of misdiagnoses and wrong diagnoses. Sometimes the only shore way of knowing what the illness is, if a patient comes to be consulted, lab tests are needed. This way even though fibrimylagia is similar to a lot of other soft tissue diseases a good and appropriate diagnose can be put. The fact that pain is the number one symptom doesnt make the diagnosing easier; we must keep in mind that swelling, redness or inappropriate heat are not present and symptoms also dont appear on X-ray or blood tests.

With the help of modern technology scientist are doing their best in discovering the triggers of this disease. It is still unknown in this syndrome if its is the case of a hyperactive brain or if the body responses towards normal stimuli abnormally or the patient just has a bigger response to real pain than it should. It is considered that these are not the actual triggers of the illness but just a kind of hidden factors that determines the awakening of symptoms in some genetic predisposed people. Another medical belief is that some persons inherit an anomaly that makes their brain regulate and produce certain neurotransmitters the wrong way. This way the substance P ( a kind of hormone that tells the body the level of pain felt) is found in grater quantities in a person suffering from fibromylagia.

Another very important factor in the triggering problem is considered to be the sleep. A deep sleep abnormality or deficiency is believed to cause serious problems. Quite the same symptoms appear in the cases of sleep depravation as well as in fibromylagia: muscle pain, tender spots on the skin may appear in both cases.

Tests done have shown that there is a very strong bond between the hormone responsible for maintaining good muscle and soft tissue health, the amount of sleep that a person has and patients of this diseases. The fact is that this hormone is produced almost exclusively during deep sleep.

muscle oxygenation is believed to be another of the many causes believed to trigger fibromylagia. The simple fact is that certain muscle might not be getting the amount of blood required for normal activities, thus the symptoms. Research has shown that muscles in a chronic state of contraction dont relax even if the person is well rested. Stressed nerves can determine some pretty bad symptoms for patients: it affects the muscles and restricts motion in nearby joints.

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Diagnosing fibromylagia}